Avach is an alternate name
Blairfoid, Avoch, Ross & Cromarty
In 1881 Blairfoid still existed, as did Killen and Balone. Blairfoid (really pron. Blairwhyte) - Blairfoyde 1627; G. Blar-choighde, Moor of Coit, with which may be compared Erchite, Dores, G. Airchoighd. This spelling represents the Gaelic pronunciation of the doubtless Pictish name, which may, perhaps, be compared with Teutonic hag, hedge. Prof. W.J. Watson's - 'Place Names of Ross and Cromarty'.
Bennetsfield, Avoch, Ross & Cromarty, Scotland
Often spelled Bennagefiield in the early days. By April 1881 Bennetsfield had been divided into two farms: 97 acres occupied by the McDonalds and 101 acres occupied by McIntosh.
Pitonachy/Petconachy - Rosehaugh, Avoch, Ross & Cromarty, Scotland
Rosehaugh - A name imposed by Sir George Mackenzie towards the end of the 17th century. The old name was Petconachy 1456 ; Petquhonochty 1458 ; Pettenochy 1526 ; Petconnoquhy 1527 (with a mill), i.e., Pit Dhonnachaidh, Duncan's stead. The spot where the gardens of Rosehaugh house now stand is still known as Pairc an Leothaid, Hill-side Park. Prof. W.J. Watson's - 'Place Names of Ross and Cromarty'