John Rich

(circa 1802 - 26 April 1868)
     John Rich was born circa 1802. A John, son of Amor & Mary Rich, born Jan 30th was baptised Feb 24th 1805 at St Dunstan in the East, London. There are no other children to this family in London but he and his wife are living with his father Amos in 1851. He and his sons are mentioned in the will of his father John in 1856. However John Rich had a brother Amor who could be the subject of this marriage. An Amor Rich married Mary Thompson in 1802. He was the son of John Rich and Mary Keen.
On the 16 Jan 1827 the London gazette reported: In the matter of James Lord, an insolvent .... accepting and carrying into effect a proposal made to him by Mr John Rich of Lime-Street in the City of London merchant for the purchase of certain part of the said insolvent's estate, or to adoping such other measures.
John Rich was declared bankrupt in June 1827 in Lime St, London. The London Morning chronicle on 16 June 1827 reported from the London Gazette of Friday Jun 15, John Rich, of Lime-street, merchant, June 19, 29 and July 27, at eleven, at the Court of Commissioners of Brankrupts, Basinghall Street. Solicitor Mr Owen, No. 50 Mark-lane.
     John Rich arrived per "Coronet" on 6 October 1828 at Tasmania. A John Rich, settler, arrived Tasmania per Coronet 6 Oct 1828 from London 1st March, then continued to Sydney but listed as John Birch! settler. The ship travelled from London on 13 March, Cork on 30 April, Madeira on 15 May, Rio on 10 July carrying 200 lbs cement, deals, glass, beer, sundries ec. 29/31 pasengers. Apparently boarded by an Atlantic pirate/privateer during the passage..
John Rich married Maria Mackglew, daughter of Robert Mackglew and Anna Maria Sleight, on 4 April 1829 in St Mary Magdalene, Bermondsey, Surrey, England. John Rich of this parish, bachelor & Maria Mackglew of this parish, spinster, were married in this church by banns this fourth day of April 1829 by me J E Gibson, Rector. Both signed, in the presence of Robert Turner Jones & Martha ... [not Abbott].
From 1831 to 1837 he was not listed in Hobart directories.
     John Rich arrived per "Surry" on 25 July 1831 at Hobart. The arrival of Mr Rich per the Surry at Hobart from London was reported in the Launceston Examiner 1 Aug 1831 and the 'IN' 30 July 1831. It sailed to Sydney 14 August 1831 with a Mr Paul as a cabin passenger and Mr Rich as a steerage passenger.
     John Rich and Maria Mackglew arrived per "Warrior" on 26 June 1833 at Hobart, Tasmania. They were en route to NSW as steerage passengers along with C Rich.
     John Rich and Maria Mackglew arrived per "Warrior" on 28 July 1833 at Sydney. Maria Rich 26 with her husband 'Charles' aged 32 , clerk and son Charles aged 3. This may be her brother in law Charles, but more likely her husband John. The ship departed London 18 March via Hobart Town. In the Tasmanian record of this voyage arriving at Hobart 26 June, the steerage passengers lists John Rich at the top of the page and Maria Rich at the foot, no ages nor mention of son Charles. John Rich witnessed the second marriage of Frederick Crewe Haswell and Cynthia Mackglew; She gave August rather than April - to be checked.
     John Rich arrived per "Vestal" on 20 July 1834 at Hobart. A John Rich arrived at Hobart as steerage passenger per "Vestal" which sailed from Liverpool 11 February arriving 20 July 1834. He was described as plasterer in Hobart Town Courier shipping arrivals but note that front page had advertisement for plasterers, as no occupation given on Marine Board list he could have described himself thus to obtain job.He was a witness to his sister-in-law's marriage in Sydney in April 1834.
On 16 Jan 1835 J Rich issued a receipt on behalf of Wm Long for £3 for 2 cases of claret invoiced to Thomas Borderham, Sydney on 30 Dec 1833.
John Rich was listed in a directory dated 1836 as John Rich at Prince St, Sydney, New South Wales.
     John Rich was on the passenger list of the "Isabella", arriving at Sydney, on 7 August 1837. Cabin passenger: Mr John Rich, departed Launceston 30 July. He was widowed on 16 January 1838 on the death of his wife Maria Mackglew.
John Rich was listed in a directory dated 1839 as John Rich at McDonald's Bldgs, Hyde Park, Sydney.
John Rich married secondly Isabella Tempest Paul on 26 November 1839 in St Lawrence, Sydney. By special licence on the 21st instant at St Lawrence church by the Rev W H Walsh, Mr Rich to Isabella Tempest, relict of Mr Isaac Bird.
In June & October 1840 he held insurance policies which were mentioned in the Australian.
     John Rich was on the passenger list of the "Chelydra", arriving at Launceston, Tasmania, on 28 February 1840.
     John Rich was on the passenger list of the "Tamar & Adventure", arriving at Tasmania, in 1840. A Mr Rich arrived at Launceston per Tamar 15 June 1840 from Port Phillip. A Mr Rich departed Ssydney per Adventure for Hobart Town, cabin passenger [Australasian 24/12/1840] arriving Hobart 27 December.
     John resided at Liverpool St East, Sydney, September 1840.
In 1841 he was a subscriber to the Christ Church building fund.
     John Rich travelled to Sydney, Hobart, in 1841. On May 8 1841 a Mr Rich per Lady Raffles arrived Sydney from Hobart Town [AONSW COD 41 p192]; on May 17 Mr Rich sailed for Pt Nicholson, NZ [Aus 18/5/41 p2]. His brother? Edward Rich arrived per Clifton from London [AO COD 42 p359]; on Nov 24 Mr Rich per Shamrock departed for Auckland [Aus 25/11/41].
     John was registered as John Rich for a house at Liverpool St, Sydney, on the between 1842 and 1843 electoral roll.
     John Rich travelled to Sydney, Hobart, in 1842. On Jan 16 1842 a Mr Rich departed for Auckland from Bay of Islands per Dolphin [NZ Herald]; on Feb 14 a Mr Rich per Shamrock from Bay of Islands departing 2 Feb 1842. [Aus 15/2/42 p2 & SMH 15 Feb 1842 p. 2]. On 21 December 1842, arrived at Auckland from Launceston via the Bay of Islands, Mr Rich on the Lowestoft. Auckland times 22 Dec 1842 p.3.
An 1843 Supreme Court notice in the Sydney Herald: J Rich salesman, special juryman in trial of Edward Alcock.
     John resided at St George's Bay, Auckland, New Zealand, 1843.
     John Rich was on the passenger list of the "Alligator", arriving at Auckland, on 5 July 1843. He departed from Sydney.
The Daily Southern Cross, 26 August 1843 reported in the Domestic Intelligence section: We insert as required the following report from our correspondent, because we wish to give all parties fair play in this as in every other case. Police Office, — Friday, Aug. 25, 1843. Captain Cook of the "Alligator" and Mr John Rich, applied before F. Mathew, Esq , C.P.M , for advice and redress in the following matter . — The applicants had recently imported several head of horned cattle, and determined to avail themselves of the new market, for the purpose of disposing of some of them at such prices as would afford them a fair remuneration, and secure the public from the extortion, which has been hitherto practised by the retail butchers. These gentry however, are not willingly quietly to surrender the monopoly they have so long enjoyed, and accordingly on Wednesday morning they stationed in the market place several " touters" to declare that the beast whose carcase was then offered, had died of disease, and that the meat was unwholesome. The result of this proceeding was, that although the beef was as fine as ever was offered at Leadenhall, it was refused by a great many intending buyers ; at least for that day, and if the weather had been unfavourable the meat would of course have been spoiled, to say nothing of the disadvantage to the citizens. The Government had lent this place for a market, and bad encouraged the settlers and others to bring their produce to it, for the good of the community ; but this assistance was worse than useless, if some protection was not afforded by Police regulations against such schemes as these. Mr Rich said that he hoped to bring home the offence to some of them, and in that case would know how to act. But against the instruments themselves, an action at law would of course be but poor retribution. The Chief Police Magistrate said, that he was well aware of the combinations among the butchers, to keep up high prices to the disadvantage of the public, as well as the settlers ; and he was extremely sorry, that in the absence of a Local Act for the regulation of the market, he had no power to assist the applicants. The Statute law against 'fore-stalling, he thought, was hardly applicable to the case ; but even if it were, the course of proceeding would be by indictment, and not summary jurisdiction. If the gentlemen before him could by legal assistance discover any process by which he had power to help them, he would most earnestly do so ; but at present he thought, the only useful proceeding to adopt, was to make the scheming tricks of "the fleshers" as public as possible, that every one might understand the thing properly. Here the matter was dropped 'for the present.
The NSW Government gazette announced Notice is hereby given, that the copartnery of the Firm of Ironside and Rich, brokers and Commission Agents, Lower George-street, has been dissolved from this date, the twenty-sixth day of September, 1843. In consequence of the departure and absence of Mr Rich from the Colony, this dissolution is resolved on and announced by the undersigned, as the senior partner and representative of the Firm. James Ironside, Sydney, September 26, 1843.
     John Rich was on the passenger list of the "Columbine", arriving at Wellington, New Zealand, on 10 October 1843. He travelled from Auckland.
The Sydney herald reported on 21 Oct 1843: Mrs Rich & 5 daughters to Auckland.
He was not listed in the 1844 NSW directories, nor was he listed in NSW electoral rolls in 1845-46.
John Rich was found on a passenger list dated 1844.
     John and Edward resided at Queen St, Auckland, New Zealand, 1844. Edward Rich, Queen St merchant; John Rich Queen St, settler.
     John Rich was on the passenger list of the "Louisa Campbell", arriving at Auckland, New Zealand, on 18 August 1845. He was widowed on 20 April 1847 on the death of his wife Isabella Tempest Paul.
John Rich was listed in a directory dated 1847 as John Rich, merchant at Fitzroy Place & Crescent, Hobart, Tasmania.
John Rich was listed in a directory dated 1848 as Ironside & Rich at George St, Sydney. Sydney in 1848 by J Fowles, p.91 plate 12a shows George St, a building on the west side (next to Glasgow House) which is annotated Ironside & Rich, brokers, Samuel Thornton/Thomson owner.
The Colonial Times on 26 Jan 1849 advertised: To Let. A dwelling-house, containing seven rooms, delightfully situated in Fitzroy Crescent. It was lately occupied by John Rich, Esq, and since which has undergone a thorough repair. For particulars enquire of Mr Morgan, two doors above. .
     John Rich was on the passenger list of the "Fair Tasmanian", arriving at Sydney, on 2 February 1849. He travelled alone from Hobart Town as a cabin passenge, five of his children having travelled there two weeks earlier. The Colonial times on 30 January 1849 listed his departure on thebarque Fair Tasmania, 156 tons, for Sydney: passenger - John Rich, Esq..
     John was registered as John Rich at Cumberland St, Sydney, on the from 1850 to 1852 electoral roll.
John Rich was listed in a directory dated 1850 as John Rich, Wharfinger at Miller's Point Wharf, Sydney. He advertised as of Moore's Wharf, Millers Point.
     John was advertising in the Daily Southern Cross in NZ on 10 Feb 1854 as one of the partners in Rich, Langley Butchart dated at Sydney, Dec 20 1853 in New Zealand.
John Rich was declared bankrupt between 1854 and 1855 in Sydney. John Rich with his partners John Edward Langley & James Hawkins Butchart, auctioneers, were declared insolvent. Certificate dated 28 July 1855.
John Rich was listed in a directory dated 1855 as Rich, Langley & Butchart, auctioneers at 178 George St, Sydney. His private residence was listed as 13 Cumberland Place.
     In John Rich's will dated 2 November 1855 in Ewell, Surrey, John Rich was named as heir.
     John Rich married thirdly Amy Emily Allday on 15 December 1855 in St Luke's, Liverpool, New South Wales. 15 Dec 1855 parish of St Luke Liverpool, John Rich of the parish of Trinity, Sydney widower & Amy Emily Allday of district of Liverpool, spinster, married by licence. Witnessed by J T & C E Taylor of Liverpool. No issue recorded NSW or Vic.
In 1857 John Rich sold property in Hunter's Hill, New South Wales.
John Rich was listed in a directory dated 1857 as a wine and spirit broker at Pitt St, Sydney, pte res., Hunter's Hill, New South Wales.
In May 1858 advertisments appeared " To Let. house, in Cumberland-street, lately occupied by John Rich, Esq., containing 12 room; rent £150. Apply to Mr. BILLYARD, Crown Law Offices, Macquarle-street, Sydney.
John Rich was listed in a directory dated 1858 as a broker at 24 Cumberland St, Sydney. They were declared insolvent. John was a Clerk of Petty Sessions from August 1858, Victoria. 9 August 1858 Appointments, Government Gazette: John Rich to be second clerk of the Petty Sessions, Ararat and also second clerk of the County Court & Court of Mines at the same place.
25 October 1858 Appointments, Government Gazette: John Rich to be clerk of Petty Sessions at Dunolly, vice Cathrey.
     1859 8 July Appointments, Government Gazette: John Rich to be Clerk of Mines at Buninyong, vice Farrer. To be appointed Clerk of Petty Sessions.
859 11 July, Electoral Registrars, Government gazette; John Rich, for the Buninyong Electoral District vice J S Farrer.

1859 1 September Victorian Government Gazette #159: His Excellency the Governor with the advice of the Executive Council has been please to appoint John Rich (acting C.P.S. Buninyong) to be also Clerk of Petty Sessions at the Whim Holes, from the 1st of October vice W F Smith, relieved.

1858 Aug 11, appointed Clerk of Petty Sessions, Dunolly, Vic. @ £300 p.a. On 4 July 1859 he was appointed to Buninyong at the same salary. On 19 September 1858 he also became C.P.C. at Whim Holes for a further £50 p.a. [Parliamentary Papers]. 1859 Index to Officers, Statistics of the Colony 1860 - John Rich, Clerk of Petty Sessions Dunolly, CPS Buninyong, CPS Whim Holes [now called Enfield]. [1860 Parliamentary papers]..
     John Rich was employed 1862 10 October Vic Government Gazette #121: John Rich (Clerk of Court, Buninyong) to be Clerk of Petty Sessions at Williamstown, vice Mr Edmund Burke, retired. Mr Rich commenced duties accordingly on the 17 September last. Also appointed Electoral Registrar 29 September 1862 in 1862.
     John Rich travelled to Sydney on 15 February 1868 per the "Alexandra". John Rich, saloon passenger from Melbourne.
     John died of apoplexy on 26 April 1868 in Williamstown, Victoria, Australia. John Rich, Clerk of Petty Sessions, aged 60. His father was described as John Rich, East India Company Service, mother Mary Rich. His son Harry Tempest Rich of Goulburn River, Vic. was the informant. Buried by Geo Wilkinson, Church of England Minister, witness J W Jennings. Born Knasbough, Yorkshire, 20 years in NSW, 10 years in Victoria. Date of first marriage not known, married secondly at Liverpool NSW aged 48 to Amy Emily Allday. Issue John Ellison aged 24 & Harry Tempest aged 20. He was buried on 28 April 1868 in Williamstown cemetery. He was buried in a private grave, compartment C, line 4, grave 2, denominational no. 569, certificate of burial no. 552. No headstone survives. The funeral parlour, Ferguson St, Williamstown records: 1868 no. 21, John Rich died 26 April, aged 60 years, paid £11.
     The administration of his estate was granted to John Charles Ellison Rich on 4 June 1868 at Victoria. Letters of admon granted to John Charles Rich his son, affidavits mention his widow Amy Emily Rich and his sons Charles Hamor, resident in NSW, John Charles of Williamstown, sheep manager & Harry Tempest. Copy of inventory of goods held - estate valued at under £150.

Child of John Rich and Maria Mackglew

Children of John Rich and Isabella Tempest Paul

John Rich

(before December 1676 - before 4 April 1742)
     John Rich was born before December 1676 in Kirkburton, Yorkshire. His baptism & parentage is an assumption based on being the only John born to Daniel at the right era in a neighbouring parish who had siblings Jonas & Emor.
Brooks claims John & Aymor to be children of Jonas Rich of the parish of Penistone, the supposed brother of Edward, Joseph & Daniel Rich. He was the son of Daniel Rich. John Rich was christened on 25 March 1677 in All Hallows, Kirkburton.
     John Rich and Susanna Morton obtained a marriage licence on 17 December 1700 in York. John Rich aged 24 of Cawthorne & Susanna Morton aged 23, parish not stated, for a marriage at Cawthorne parish church or Denby chapel.
John Rich married Susanna Morton on 19 December 1700 in Cawthorne, Yorkshire.      
John Rich paid land tax from 1707 to 1712 in Cawthorne. John was listed in the 1707 land tax assessment for Cawthorn paying 18/8, in 1710 he paid £1/2/6, 1711 paid 18/8 plus 1/- for Goldthorpe farm, 1712 ditto, along with his brother Emer paying 17/4.
A John Rich was mentioned in the Wakefield Manor Book of 1709 paying 8d at Skelmanthorpe (Cumberworth), and also as a freeholder within the constabularies [Leet court at Burton], at Cumberworth: Jno Rich.
     John resided at Daking Brook, Cawthorne, 1714.      
John Rich paid land tax between 1714 and 1723 in Cawthorne. In 1714 he paid 9/4. In 1715 he paid 12/4, in 1716 18/8, in 1717 paid 18/-, in 1723 paid 9/4.
     In Jonas Rich's will dated 20 March 1713/14 in Penistone, Yorkshire, John Rich was named as heir.
     In Sarah Unknown's will dated 24 October 1714 in Penistone, John Rich was named as heir. John was a farmer at his child's baptism in Cawthorne in 1715.
John Rich married secondly Ann Ellison on 15 December 1719 in Penistone, YKS. From 1721, an unknown person was a yeoman was described as a yeoman at his children's baptisms, in Cawthorne.
By Martinmas 1722, a John Rich is renting lands from Capt Bosvile at Cawthorne for £7/5/3 and possibly land at Gunthwaite for £1/7/6 (10 1/2d land tax) [note that Francis Ellison heads the list there] and/or 1/- for Reynold-Stones and land there in Oxspring & Roughbirchwood..
John Rich was listed on the rent roll of Capt. Bosville's estate, Martinmas 1722, for property in Cawthorne. On 22 May 1724 John Rich leased property in Cawthorne, Yorkshire. Copy of a 10 year lease from: John Haigh of Revall, parish of Penistone, yeoman to John Rich of Dekinbanck, Cawthorn, yeoman - messuage called Jowitt House in Cawthorne together with all closes and parcels of land, va: Over Rowleys, Nether Rowleys, the Wood, formerly called the Spring, the Overbank, the Netherbank, the Broad Ing, the Mokin Croft, the Grate Ing, the Mill Ing, the Pickin House croft, the Crate roide, the Croft near the Sheep close, the Middle Sheep Close, the Further Sheep close. For 10 Years, at 29 pounds per year rent, and, also, for each of the last 3 years, 40/- an acre for every accre ploughed over and above 18 acres. He contributed to the parish poor rate in Cawthorne, YKS, in 1726 as John Rich, North Lane Quarter. He was a churchwarden in Cawthorne, YKS, in 1727.      
John Rich paid land tax at Jowett House worth £1/6/3 in 1728 in Cawthorne, YKS.
Lease and release dated 13-14 Mar 1731: Moeity of a messuage in Cawthorne, called Jowett House, now in the tenure of John Rich; close of meadow, pasture or arable near the mill, called Miln Ing, and all tithes. He contributed to the parish poor rate in Cawthorne, YKS, in 1736 as John Rich, 36-05-03 in North Lane Quarter.
Deeds regarding Cawthorne property - ref. SpSt/152-153 - Copy of SpSt/152/16/a - ref. SpSt/152/17/a - date: 30 Oct 1739 [from Scope and Content] But endorsed with (1) survey of the closes mentioned in the lease (ii) consent of Spencer to Armfield assigning the lease to Rich.
FILE - Indemnification - ref. SpSt/152/17/b - date: 30 Oct 1738
William Spencer promises to indemnify Joseph Armfield on account of the assignment of the lease to Jonas Rich of Cawthorn, from any further rent except for the present arrears. John was a yeoman in 1741 in Jowet, Cawthorne..
     John Rich made a will dated 21 August 1741 in Cawthorne. In the name of God amen I John Rich of Jowet in the county of York, yeoman this 21 Aug 1741 do make this my last will and testament in manner & form following (to wit) first my will is that all my just debts the expences of my funeral the charge of the probate of this my will be paid out my personal estate.
Then I give devise and bequeath to my elder son John Rich and heirs forever all my lands and tenements whatsoever subject to the dower which my wife shall be entitled to during the term of her natural life
Also I give unto my daughter the wife of Jonathan Battey and her assigns an annuity twenty shillings a year to be paid every year from the time of my decease during her natural life
Also I give to my daughter Ellin the wife of John Chadwick twenty pounds
To my daughter Sarah the wife of John Mate twenty pounds and to my daughter Elizabeth the wife of Joseph Field ten pounds to be paid by my executor hereafter named with two years next after my decease which ten pounds so given to my daughter Elizabeth Also I give to my said daughter Elizabeth fifty pounds now left to me by the last will of Francis Ellison deceased to be paid by his executors Richard Ellison and Martha Ellison now wife of Francis Liley
Also I give to my younger son Amor Rich eighty pounds to be paid him by my executor when he shall attain the age of 22 years and until that time my will is that he shall have sufficient and ... clothes and pocket money to and provided by and at the proper charge of my said executor over and above I give to my wife all the goods in the little parlor
Lastly all the residue of my personal estate I give to my said son John Rich whom I appoint sole executor of this my will and and hereby revoking all wills and testaments by me heretofore made I declare this to be my last will and testament In witness whereof I the said John Rich the testator have hereunto put my hand and seal the day and year first above expressed. John Rich.

The 1741 poll for Yorkshire has no John Rich at Cawthorne.
     John died before 4 April 1742 in Cawthorne, YKS. He was buried on 4 April 1742 in Cawthorne. John Rich, senior.
     His will was proved on 12 June 1742 at the Exchequer Court of York. He's relationship was mentioned in a deed dated 3 November 1746 in re Cathill, Hoyland Swaine, Silkstone. Indenture dated 3 Nov 1746: 1 - John Rich of Jowitt House, Cawthorne, yeoman (eldest son & heir at law of John Rich, yeoman, deceased and Sarah his wife and Jonathan Batty of Miln near Holmfirth, Almondbury, cordwainer and Mary his wife (one of the daughters of the said John Rich deceased); 2 - William Taylor of Cawthorne, yeoman; 3 - Rebecca Hall of White Lee in the chapelry of Bradfield, widow re property at Cathill in the township of Hoyland Swaine in the parish of Silkstone etc. previously occupied by Thomas Caldwell, now by John Denton. Final concord re Cathill, the messuage, garden, orchard 10 acres of lands, 5 acres of meadow, 5 acres of pasture in Hoyland Swain, Silkstone, consideration £60. He was mentioned in a conveyance of property on 19 November 1746. Indenture of lease and release 19th & 20th Nov 1746 between: 1 - Rebecca Hall of White Lee in the chapelry of Bradfield, widow; 2 - John Rich of Jowitt House, Cawthorne, yeoman, eldest son & heir of John Rich late of the same place, yeoman, deceased, and Sarah his wife and Ann Rich of Daken Broke, Cawthorne, widow and relict of the said John Rich; 3 - William Taylor of Cawthorne, yeoman re property at Cathill in the township of Hoyland Swaine, Silkstone.
There is a similar deed dated 19 & 20 December 1746 between Rebecca Hall & Taylor.

Children of John Rich and Susanna Morton

Children of John Rich and Ann Ellison

John Rich

(19 February 1714/15 - before 7 June 1767)
     John Rich was christened on 19 February 1714/15 in Cawthorne, Yorkshire. John, son of John Rich, farmer.. He was the son of John Rich and Susanna Morton.
He was mentioned in the wills of his father in 1741 & his uncle Aymer in 1748. Jowett house which was leased by the Riches, was sold by the Haighs in November 1746 to the Spencers.
     In John Rich's will dated 21 August 1741 in Cawthorne, John Rich was named as heir.
     John Rich and Ann Ellison were mentioned in a deed dated 2 April 1743 in Cawthorne, YKS. An agreement dated 2 April 1743 between John Rich of Jowett House, Cawthorne, yeoman and Anne Rich of Cawthorne, widow, reciting the will of John Rich, father of the above mentioned John, dated 21 August 1741. By this he gave his son Amor enough pocket money and clothing until he reached 22, to be provided by John, his brother. No specific sum was mentioned, though the parties now agree as follows: John Rich is to provide Anne with 3/10/- at twice yearly intervals until Amor reaches 22. Anne Rich is to provide clothing, etc. for Amor.
John Rich married Sarah Bramold on 26 January 1743/44 in Silkstone, Yorkshire. John Rich and Sara Bramold, both of the chapelry of Cawthorne, married by licence. John from 1744 in Cawthorne.. He contributed to the parish poor rate in Cawthorne, Yorkshire, in 1745 as John Rich, North Lane Quarter. He was a parish official in Cawthorne, YKS, in 1746 being Overseer of the highways for the North Lane.
     John Rich and Mary Rich were mentioned in a deed dated 3 November 1746 in re Cathill, Hoyland Swaine, Silkstone. Indenture dated 3 Nov 1746: 1 - John Rich of Jowitt House, Cawthorne, yeoman (eldest son & heir at law of John Rich, yeoman, deceased and Sarah his wife and Jonathan Batty of Miln near Holmfirth, Almondbury, cordwainer and Mary his wife (one of the daughters of the said John Rich deceased); 2 - William Taylor of Cawthorne, yeoman; 3 - Rebecca Hall of White Lee in the chapelry of Bradfield, widow re property at Cathill in the township of Hoyland Swaine in the parish of Silkstone etc. previously occupied by Thomas Caldwell, now by John Denton. Final concord re Cathill, the messuage, garden, orchard 10 acres of lands, 5 acres of meadow, 5 acres of pasture in Hoyland Swain, Silkstone, consideration £60.
     John Rich was party to a land transaction on 19 November 1746 in re Cathill, Hoyland Swaine, Cawthorne, Yorkshire. Indenture of lease and release 19th & 20th Nov 1746 between: 1 - Rebecca Hall of White Lee in the chapelry of Bradfield, widow; 2 - John Rich of Jowitt House, Cawthorne, yeoman, eldest son & heir of John Rich late of the same place, yeoman, deceased, and Sarah his wife and Ann Rich of Daken Broke, Cawthorne, widow and relict of the said John Rich; 3 - William Taylor of Cawthorne, yeoman re property at Cathill in the township of Hoyland Swaine, Silkstone.
There is a similar deed dated 19 & 20 December 1746 between Rebecca Hall & Taylor.
     John Rich and Amor Rich were mentioned in a deed dated 17 December 1746. Know all men by these presents that I Aymor Rich of London, mercer, have remised released and forever quit claimed and by these presents do for me? my heirs Executors and Administrators remise release and for ever quit claim unto John Rich of Jowett House in the chapelry of Cawthorne and county of York, yeoman his heirs Executors and Administrators all and all manner of Action and Actions Cause and Causes of Action and Actions Suits Bills Bonds Writings Obligations Debts Dues Duties Reckonings Accounts Sum and Sums of money Judgements Executions Extents Quarrels Controversies Trespasses Damages and Demands whatsoever both of law and in Equity or otherwise heresoever which against him the said John Rich I ever had now have or which I my heirs Executors and Administrators shall or may have Claim Challenge or Demand for or by reason or means of any Act Matter Cause or Thing? from the beginning of the world to Day of the Date of these presents AND WHEREAS I the said Aymor Rich in or about Michaelmas Term now last past did obtain and recover judgment in his Majesty's Court of Kings Bench at Westminster against the said John Rich for one hundred and sixty two pounds thirteen shillings and four pence Debt and Sixty three Shillings for costs of suit as by the Records thereof remaining in the said Court more at large may Appear of and for which said Judgment and the Debt and Damages thereby recovered I the said Aymor Rich do hereby acknowledge myself to be fully satisfied and contented These are therefore to Desire and Authorize your Edward Oates and Jeremiah Spincke Gentlemen Attorneys of his Majesty's said Court of Kings Bench or either of you to acknowledge Satisfaction upon record in the said Cort, of and for the said Judgment and Debt and Damages thereby recovered And this shall be your Sufficient Warrant and Authority IN WITNESS whereof I the said Aymor Rich have hereunto set my Hand and Seal the Seventeenth Day of December in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven hundred and forty Six. Signed Emor Rich (with seal) Sealed and delivered in the presence of: ....Jno Harrison.
Discharge of a mortgage (by means of lease and release) - dated 19-20 Dec 1746: Rebecca Hall of White Lee, Bradfield, Yorks., widow, of the first part; John Rich of Jowit House, Cawthorne, Yorks., yeoman, (eldest son and heir of John Rich), and Sarah, his wife; Anne Rich of Daken Brooke, Cawthorne, widow and relict of John Rich, of the second part; William Taylor of Cawthorne, yeoman of the third part.
Reciting previous mortgage of 22, 23 May 1745, and that the principal was unpaid; a deed to lead the uses of a fine of 3 Nov 1745; that Taylor has now agreed to the absolute purchase of the fee simple, for £350, that there is due to Hall from John Rich, principal and interest, £217 13/6.
     John Rich was mentioned in a deed dated 20 December 1746. 9/10 Dec 1746 between Rebecca Hall, Bradfield, widow & John Rich of Jowitt House, Cawthorn, yeoman, eldest son and heir at law of John Rich late of the same place, deceased and Sarah his wife and Ann Rich of Daken Brooke, Cawthorne, widow and relict of the said John Rich deceased re lands at Cathill in the parish of Hoyland Swain.
     Spencer Stanhope 195/12-13 is a discharge of mortgage (by means of lease and release). Rebecca Hall of White Lee, Bradfield, widow of the first part John Rich of Jowitt House, Cawthorne, yeoman (eldest son and heir of John Rich) and Sarah his wife; Anne Rich of Daken Brook, Cawthorne, widow and relict of John Rich, of the second part; William Taylor of Cawthorne, yeoman of the third part. Reciting previous mortgage of 22, 23 May 1745, and that the prinicipal was unpaid; a deed to lead the uses of a fine of 3 Nov 1745; that Taylor has now agreed to the absolute purchase of the fee simple, for 350 pounds, that there is due to Hall from John Rich, principal and interest 217/13/6. By this indenture, the lands recited in the above deeds, are conveyed to Taylor. For 217/13/6 paid by the parties of the second part and Taylor, an 132/6/6 from Taylor. 19 & 20 Dec 1746..
     John Rich was mentioned in the will of Amor Rich dated September 1748. John was described as a farmerat his child's christening in Cawthorne, YKS, from 1749. John was a labourer in February 1753, in Cawthorne, YKS. A George, son of John Rich, labourer of Cawthorne was baptised. A descent to a labourer seems unlikely.
     John died before 7 June 1767 in Woolley, Yorkshire. This could be his father. He was buried on 7 June 1767 in Woolley, Yorkshire, England. John Rich, labourer.

Children of John Rich and Sarah Bramold

John Rich

(27 September 1744 - before 7 June 1767)
      I doubt whether this John born at Cawthorne is the John, husbandman of Wakefield who settled at Woolley. Assuming he is older than his wife, he would have been born c. 1732. John Rich was christened on 27 September 1744 in Cawthorne. John, son of John Rich, yeo:.. He was the son of John Rich and Sarah Bramold.
     John Rich was mentioned in the will of Amor Rich dated September 1748.
John Rich married Sarah Hirst on 8 November 1764 in Woolley, Yorkshire. John Rich of the parish of Wakefield, husbandman & Sarah Hirst of this chapelry, were married by banns Nov 9?th.
     John died before 7 June 1767 in Woolley, Yorkshire. This could be his father. He was buried on 7 June 1767 in Woolley. John Rich, labourer.

Children of John Rich and Sarah Hirst

John Rich

(before 4 August 1768 - 21 November 1856)
      John Rich was born before 4 August 1768 in Stainborough, Silkstone, Yorkshire. He was christened on 4 August 1768 in Silkstone. John, son of Emor Rich, Stainbrough.. He was the son of Amor Rich and Ann Wroe.
John Rich married Mary Keen, daughter of John Keen and Jane Andrews, on 7 February 1802 in St George, Hanover Square, Soho, Westminster, England.
     John resided at Glocester Row, Shoreditch, St Leonard, Middlesex, 1806.
     John resided at Southwark, Surrey, 1809. [CR:]John Rich was mentioned in a document regarding the freedom of the city for Edward Rich; Edward Rich, aged 30, son of John Rich of Windsor, Berkshire, Gent occupying premises in no. 52/32 Walbrook in the parish of St Stephens, in the ward of Walbrook, and carrying on the business of a tea dealer, do hereby apply to be admitted to the Freedom of the City of London, by redemption ...
     John resided at Francis St, Newington Butts, Surrey, 1840.      
John Rich and George Rich John & George were listed next to each other as #1387, George Rich, of Rich Lane, Shambles St for a freehold house in Shambles St, then John Rich (starred) of Adelaide Square, New Windsor, Berkshire, for a freehold cottage and barn, in Rich Lane. In 1840 George was not listed, and John's address was given as Francis St, Newington Butts, London from 1840 to 1859 in Barnsley, Yorkshire.
     John Rich and Mary Keen were recorded on the 1841 census in Adelaide Square, New Windsor, Berkshire. John Rich aged 70, Independent, Mary aged 60, Edward aged 3. None were born in the county, with one female sevant.. John Rich gave a bible to Rev Charles Hamor Rich on 11 April 1846 in England. Charles was given a bible by his paternal grandfather John Rich which is now in the possession of Joan Grimwade. This may have been on his return to Australia.
     John Rich and Mary Keen were recorded on the 1851 census in 18 Adelaide Square, New Windsor, Berkshire. John was aged 82 , annuitant, born Stainbrough, Yorkshire, with his wife Mary aged 74 born in Adlestrop, Gloucestershire, with one servant. There was also a William Rich aged 57, Lt in the R. Navy, half pay. Naval Knight, unmarried at New Windsor, but born in Burnham Market, Norfolk.
     John Rich made a will dated 2 November 1855 in Ewell, Surrey. Will of John Rich of Ewell: To bury my body in the same grave with my deceased wife in Ewell church yard To my grandson John Rich my silver watch by Fordham To my grandson Henry Tempest Rich my silver watch by Dwerrihouse To my grandson Charles Hamor Rich six tea spoons sugar tongs & salt spoons To my daughter in law Mrs Hamor Rich relict of of my son Hamor Rich £10 To my maid servant living with me at my decease a half year's wages To my son Edward Rich my portrait and my best wearing apparel Mr Samuel Mobbs of 37 Michael's Place Brompton Middlesex gentleman & Mr John Pilgrim of Ewell Surrey executors and to each one guinea The residue of my property I wish to be equally divided between my two sons John Rich now residing at Sidney NSW & Edward Rich now residing at Auckland New Zealand if living, if not to their children.
He was described as in the service of the East India Company on his son John's death certificate but I have found no evidence to support this.
     John died on 21 November 1856 in Ewell, Surrey. He was buried after 21 November 1856 in Ewell. Monumental inscription (no longer visible) - Head stone coffin & foot stone, head stone split in half and broken off: To the memory of Mary beloved wife of Mr John Rich of this parish late of New Windsor, Berkshire who died 27th July 1852 aged 75 years; also of the above named Mr John Rich who died Nov 21st 1856 aged 88 years.
     His will was proved on 11 December 1856 at the Prerogative Court of Canterbury.

Children of John Rich and Mary Keen

John Rich

(27 October 1644 - January 1729/30)
     John Rich was christened on 27 October 1644 in Penistone, Yorkshire. He was the son of Edward Rich and Ellen Street.
John Rich married Martha Rich, daughter of Reginald Rich and Sarah Kay, before 1670.
He acquired Parkin House through his wife. Google PARKIN HOUSE PARKIN HOUSE LANE, ECKLANDS, MILLHOUSE GREEN, SOUTH YORKSHIRE, S36 9NG for a view of the stone buildings. In 2016 it was occupied by D B Drilling Services. Another website describes it? as: 3 bed detached house is located at Parkin House, Ecklands, Millhouse Green, Sheffield S36 9NG.
     John Rich and John Rich were mentioned in the 1672 hearth tax list in Thurlstone, Penistone, with 1 hearth. There was only one John Rich in the South Yorkshire hearth tax, at Thurlestone. It could be either John of Millhouse of John of Parkin House.
     John Rich was mentioned in the will of William Rich alias Peck dated 29 October 1673.
     John Rich and Martha Rich were mentioned in a deed dated 24 October 1677 in Penistone, Yorkshire. John Rich of Parkin House bound to John Wordsworth of Softley in 200 pounds to abide by the division to be by lot assigned of the estate of Reginald Rich, deceased, which is to be exactly surveyed and is to be equally divided by John Wainwright and Abraham Haigh of Carlecoates.
John was party to a deed dated 11 December 1677 in re Parkinhouse, Thurlstone, Penistone, Yorkshire; Deed of partition and counterpart: John Wordsworth of Softley and Sarah his wife and John Rich of Parkinhouse and Martha his wife agree to divide a messuage called Parkinhouse with its lands and buildings at Parkinhouse and Ecklands lately the inheritance of Reginald Rich, deceased, and now descended to his daughters Sarah wife of John Wordsworth and Martha wife of John Rich, as follows:- to John and Sarah Wordsworth the east half part of the dwellinghouse and the outshott, the west half part of the barn, the fold, the east half part of the garden and of the barn at Ecklands, the Mistall and one little house, the east half part of the fold and 1 little croft adjoining Dodge Lane, several parcels of ground called Ryecroft, the Rough close, the Ing Holme, the Well Cliff Head, the Little Field, the Pingle, the Holme, the Barren Royd, the Little Well Cliffe, the Acre and the West half part of the house in it, the west side of Upper Hey Dole, n. side of Nether Dole, s. side of Little Dole, n. side of Great Dole in Longlands, s. side of the High Leys, n. side of the Oakes Doke, s. side of the Bents dole, 2 acres in the Rough Grounds, s.w. side of the Well dole, upper side of the uppermost dole, upper side of Brow dole, upper side of Dole next to More royd-gap, lower side of Hollin dole, lower side of the ½ acre, east side of the Meadow Spot in the Bents to the meere stone; to John and Martha Rich, the west half of the dwelling house and the outshott, the east half part of the barn and fold, the west half of the garden and of barn at Ecklands, the Mistall there and the stable adjoining. the whole garden at Ecklands, the West half part of the fold next to the barn to the meer stone; several parcels of ground called the Croft, the Ley Close the West Croft, the Rushy Fields, the Meare Ing Head, the Wainehouse croft adjoining the head of the barn at Ecklands, the lane into the Barren Royd, the lower part of the Holme, upper part of the Barren Royd, upper half of the little Well Cliffe, east half of the Acre and of the house standing in it called the High Coat, east side of Upper Hey dole in the Townfield, s. side of Nether Hey dole, n. side of Little Dole in Longlands, s. side of the Great Dole in Longlands, n. side of the High Leyes, s. side of the Oakes dole, n. side of the Bents dole, 2 acres of land in the Rough Grounds, n.e. side of the Well dole, lower side of the uppermost dole in the Townfield, lower side of the Brow dole, lower side of dole on More-royd-gap, upper side of Hollin dole, upper side of half acre, west end of Meadow Spot on side of the Bents dole.
     In Edward Rich's will dated 19 December 1682 in Penistone, John Rich was named as heir.
John Rich was mentioned as tenant in the manor court rolls dated date missed 1685? In Thurlstone, Penistone, Yorkshire, England, We present that John Rich is heir of Edward Rich, late of Renall deceased.
     Item we present that the said Edward Rich last above named that by his last will & testament devised diverse messuages lands etc. unto Emanuell Rich, Reginald Rich, Martha Ellis, Benjamin Ward, Sarah Holme & Hellen Morton & their heirs
Signed: Elkanah Rich, gen. ... Charley Rich, Jonas Rich, John Rich, Emanuel Rich, Reginald Rich.

On 7 June 1697 John Rich purchased property in 'Parkin House' share, Thurlstone, Penistone, Yorkshire, on 7 June 1697. Bargain and sale: John Rich of Parkinhouse to John Wordsworth of Softley. Croft or Little Close of land called Old Garden in Ecklands adjoining south end of Meller Lath for 10/- and other considerations. Also a bond in 50 pounds to keep the covenants. Also a bond of Jonas and John, sons of John Wordsworth to keep the covenant. Counterpart of Bargain and sale: John Wordsworth of Softley to John Rich of Parkinhouse (he other half of the house).
They was a petitioner in Penistone, YKS, on 24 August 1699.
On 10 May 1701 John Rich sold property in 'Parkin House' & 'Eclands', Thurlstone, Penistone, Yorkshire. Bargain and sale: John Rich of Parkinhouse and Martha his wife and Jonas Rich, son and heir apparent of John Rich, to John Priest of Bradshaw. A messuage called Parkin house with buildings and lands in Thurlstone and Thurlstone meer and other buidings and lands in Ecklands for 160 pounds.
On 15 June 1702 John Rich purchased property in 'Parkin House', Thurlstone, Penistone, Yorkshire, on 15 June 1702. Bargain and sale and counterpart: John Priest of Bradshaw to John Rich of Parkinhouse, a messuage called Parkinhouse with lands in Thurlestone and Thurlstone meer now in occupation of John Rich and other buildings and lands in Thurlstone for 170 pounds.
John Rich was trustee to a marriage settlement between John Rich and Rebecca Shaw dated 26 April 1706. John Rich of Parkinhouse to Jonathan Shaw of Dungworth Storres and Daniel Rich of Smallshaw. A messuage in Thurlstone called Parkinhouse and all his other lands in Thurlstone in consideration of a marriage solmnized between John Rich, his second son and Rebecca Shaw sister of said Jonathan Shaw and of a marriage portion received with her, to stated uses.
Final concord between Thomas Wright, gentleman, querent and William Shepley and Jane his wife, William Shepley the younger and Faith his wife, Jonah Rich and Alice his wife, John Rich and Martha his wife, Barnabas Bright and Elizabeth his wife, and John Rodgers alias Darby and Mary his wife, deforciants, of 3 messuages, 3 cottages, 55 acres land, 15 acres meadow, common of pasture for all cattle, common of turbary, and 2/3 of a pasture for one cow, in Catcliffe, Penistone, Thurlestone, Sheffield, Heeley, and parishes of Rotherham and Sheffield, together with an annual rent of £6 from lands in Penistone and Thurlestone, in consideration of £100.
     John Rich was party to a land transaction on 23 December 1717 in 'Parkin House', Thurlstone, Penistone. Indenture of lease and release bearing date respectively (to witt) the lease the 22nd and the release the 23 December ... 1717 the lease made between John Rich of Edlington Yorkshire, yeoman, second son of John Rich of Parkinhouse, in the same county, yeoman, on the one part and Benjamin Tyers of Edlington afsd gent on the other part ... all that messuage and tenement commmonly called or known by the name of Parkin house situate in Thurlstone and Thurlstone Mear and all the houses cottages barns stables buildings ... gardens orchards, tofts, crofts ... land tenements ... now in the tenure or occupation of John Rich, father of the said John Rich party to these presents his assignee or assigns. Which said indentures are witnessed by Samuel Burk of Rotherham, gent., James Burnell and Francis Hall both of the same, gent. Registered the 2 Jan 1717/8. He was mentioned in a conveyance of property on 27 January 1719/20. Conveyance. Release (lease missing). John Rich of Edlington, second son of John Rich of Parkin house, yeoman, and John Priest of Bradshaw and Sarah his wife to Benjamin Tyers of Edlington. [John Swifte of Bradshaw in Penistone and Sarah his wife] Messuage in Penistone called Parkinhouse with its lands and buildings for £200. He was buried in January 1729/30 in Penistone.
     John died in January 1729/30 in Penistone, YKS, aged 85.

Children of John Rich and Martha Rich

John Rich

(before 1485 - before February 1543/44)
     John Rich was born before 1485 in Penistone, Yorkshire. He was the son of Robert Rich.
     John Rich was party to a land transaction 1 April 1502 (17 Hen VII) in Midhope, Ecclesfield, Yorkshire. John Ryche witnessed a lease re messuage at Mydoppe
There are no Riches at Midhope listed in the Bradfield Easter books 1502-1514 [Ronksley, #7114]. He is mentioned as John Riche of Bullhouse 7 & 10 Henry VIII [Hunter, Harliean v.37, p.41].
John Rich married Jane Unknown circa 1510 in Yorkshire.
     John Rich made a will dated 5 March 1540/41 in Penistone. In the name of God amen the 5th day of March the year of our lord God [1540] I John Rich of the parish of Pennyston ... sound remembrance do make this my last will and testament in manner and form following First I bequeath and forsake my soul to almighty God and to ... and to all the holy company in heaven and my bodye to be buried within the church of Pennyston afsd
Item I bequeath to the high altar ...
Item I will that William my son and heir... to Rauf and Elizabeth my children ...
Item I bequeath to the afsd William my best jaket ...
Item I bequeath to Rauf my son a jake & jackett? ...
Item I bequeath to Ro... one ewe and a lambe
Item I bequeath to Agnes my daughter
Item I bequeath to Joh... also I will that Jane my wife Rauf my sone and ... Elizabeth my daughter to be my full and fare executors and to have all my goods unbequeathed my dear and faithfull ... ... being ... Joh Jenkinson ... Appleyard and John ... witnessed my hand February ...

     John died before February 1543/44 in Penistone, Yorkshire.
     His will was proved on 20 February 1543/44 at the Prerogative Court of York. John was the previous owner of the land sold on 20 June 1544 in Thurlstone mill, Penistone, Yorkshire.

Children of John Rich and Jane Unknown

John Rich

(7 June 1601 - before 6 March 1627/28)
     John Rich was christened on 7 June 1601 in Penistone, Yorkshire. Johes filius Rici Riche septimo [June] baptised.. He was the son of Richard Rich and Frances Priest.
     A marriage settlement between John Rich and Ellen Wilson was made on 30 January 1618. Omnibus ... Richard Riche de Royd in parish of Penistone yeoman - in consideration of a marriage between John Riche my son & heir apparent & Helen Wilson one of the daughters of Christopher Wilson of Bromhead yeoman to be had & solemnized & in fulfilment of an engagement between me & sd Christopher Wilson - have given to Edward/Richard Riche of Mylne house and Richard Wilson of Oughtibridge hall yeo [as trustees] - my house at Thurleston - another house & barn there & all my houses & lands there - & the messuage in Thurlston Meer called Raynow - my close called Richston Carr in Thurlston - to hold to the purposes mentioned in said indenture.
John Rich married Ellen Wilson, daughter of Christopher Wilson and Ellen Bramall, circa 1618 in Yorkshire. She was married to John Rich of Royd, Penistone in 1618, afterwards to Christopher Marsden about 1620. He was granted property from Richard Rich and Frances Priest during Hilary term 1623/4 in Thurlstone, Penistone. John Riche quer: Rich Rich & Frances his wife deforciant. Messuage & Lands in Thurlestone & Thurlestone Mere.. [M2.]
     John Rich made a will dated 4 February 1626/27 in Penistone, Yorkshire. His will mentions his children Edward, Sara and Maria Rich, his pregnant wife Ellin Rich, John Rich and Aymor Rich.
     In the name of god Amen. The Fourth day of February 1626. I John Riche of Roid in the parish of Peniston & county of York yeoman being sick in body and in good & perfect remembrance praised be god make this my last will & testament
     First I commend my soul into the hands of Almighty god hoping
assuredly to be saved by the death and passion of Christ Jesus and my body to be buried in the parish church or churchyard of Peniston And for my worldly goods my will is that they be disposed in manner and form following.
     First I give and bequeath to EDWARD Rich my son and heir one silver ring which my Father did give me
     Item I give and bequeath to Sara Rich & Marie Rich within my two daughters and to that Child or Children that is nowe within the womb of my wife of the said Ellen Rich the half part of that house --- and land in Thurlestone which is now in the tenure and occupation of Christopher Maresden
     Item my will is and I give full power and authority to Ellen my wife whom I make [full crossed out] executor of this my last will and testament to sell convey and assure two Closes lying and being in Thurlestone Meare in the County of York which I lately purchased of John Maresden of Fenwicke called and known by the names of the Rie Roide and Rought Inlake and are now in the occupation of William Maresden his Father And the price & money received for the said two Closes to help for ^to the paying & discharging of my debts if so be that if my other goods will not extend to pay my debts Provided always that if my other other goods will pay my debts That then the said two Closes or the price of them to be reserved unto my younger children before expressed
     Item I ^bequeath the tuiton of all my Children Edward Rich Sara Rich
and Marie Rich & to that child or children within the womb of my wife unto Ellin Riche my said wife ^ John Rich Aymor Rich These being witnesses Christopher [Rich crossed out] Wilson, Edward Rich.
The Second day of August 1623.
He was buried possibly 24 June 1627 in Penistone, Yorkshire. 24 June 1627 and un-named [Lydia, filia ??] Ryche was buried. This could be the infant that Ellen was carrying, the child John who was baptised 27 March or the father himself.
     John died before 6 March 1627/28 in 'Royd', Thurlstone, Penistone, Yorkshire.
     His will was proved on 6 March 1627/28 at the Prerogative Court of York. John Rich, of Roide, parish of Penistone, yeoman. On the same day and ear, the said Dean of the aforesaid Deanery, did certify by the proving of this will by the witnesses named and sworn: And granted was the administration of the goods, etc., of the said deceased to Ellen Riche, the sole executrix named in the will, previously sworn etc. saving etc.
By 1648 William Rich in his will, is leaving the messuage in Thurlston Mere called Royd to his younger son William.

Children of John Rich and Ellen Wilson

John Rich

(before 21 May 1635 - before 21 May 1635)
     John Rich was born before 21 May 1635 in Penistone, Yorkshire.
     John died before 21 May 1635 in Penistone, Yorkshire. He was the son of Reginald Rich and Sarah Greaves. John Rich was buried on 21 May 1635 in Penistone. Johannis filius Reginaldi Rich vitissimo primo.

John Rich

(circa 1698 - before 23 May 1700)
     John Rich was born circa 1698 in Penistone, Yorkshire. He was the son of Amor Rich and Martha Unknown. John Rich was christened on 6 May 1700 in Penistone, YKS. bp Johannes f. bimus (=2 years old) Emor Rich, Roid.
     John died before 23 May 1700 in Penistone, YKS. He was buried on 23 May 1700 in Penistone. Sepulti Johannes f. Emor Rich.

John Rich

(before 24 February 1707/8 - )
     John Rich was born before 24 February 1707/8 in Thurlstone Meer, Penistone, Yorkshire. He was christened on 24 February 1707/8 in Penistone, Yorkshire. Johes f. Emor Rich.. He was the son of Amor Rich and Elizabeth Hirst.
John Rich married Mary Guest on 17 December 1731 in Darfield, Yorkshire. Which John?.

John Rich

(7 August 1679 - )
      He was not mentioned in his grandfather Reg's will of 1677 which would be logical if he wasn't born at that stage. Dransfield [p. 335-6] suggests that he was possibly the John of Gunthwaite & Cawthorne, 1722. John Rich was christened on 7 August 1679 in Penistone, Yorkshire. He may have been born in 1663. He was described as the second son in his marriage settlement. Sue Swannack claims he was the John born in 1663 whom I have connected to John on Renall. He was the son of John Rich and Martha Rich.
John Rich married Rebecca Shaw on 10 September 1702 in Bradfield, Yorkshire.
     A marriage settlement between John Rich and Rebecca Shaw was made on 26 April 1706 in Penistone, YKS. John Rich of Parkinhouse to Jonathan Shaw of Dungworth Storres and Daniel Rich of Smallshaw. A messuage in Thurlstone called Parkinhouse and all his other lands in Thurlstone in consideration of a marriage solmnized between John Rich, his second son and Rebecca Shaw sister of said Jonathan Shaw and of a marriage portion received with her, to stated uses.
     John resided at Edlington, Yorkshire, between 1717 and 1722.
     John Rich was party to a land transaction on 23 December 1717 in 'Parkin House', Thurlstone, Penistone. Indenture of lease and release bearing date respectively (to witt) the lease the 22nd and the release the 23 December ... 1717 the lease made between John Rich of Edlington Yorkshire, yeoman, second son of John Rich of Parkinhouse, in the same county, yeoman, on the one part and Benjamin Tyers of Edlington afsd gent on the other part ... all that messuage and tenement commmonly called or known by the name of Parkin house situate in Thurlstone and Thurlstone Mear and all the houses cottages barns stables buildings ... gardens orchards, tofts, crofts ... land tenements ... now in the tenure or occupation of John Rich, father of the said John Rich party to these presents his assignee or assigns. Which said indentures are witnessed by Samuel Burk of Rotherham, gent., James Burnell and Francis Hall both of the same, gent. Registered the 2 Jan 1717/8.
On 27 January 1719/20 John Rich sold property in 'Parkin House', Thurlstone, Penistone, England. Conveyance. Release (lease missing). John Rich of Edlington, second son of John Rich of Parkin house, yeoman, and John Priest of Bradshaw and Sarah his wife to Benjamin Tyers of Edlington. [John Swifte of Bradshaw in Penistone and Sarah his wife] Messuage in Penistone called Parkinhouse with its lands and buildings for £200.

Children of John Rich and Rebecca Shaw

John Rich

(circa 1656? - before 5 February 1701)
      There was only one John Rich in the 1672 hearth tax, at Thurlestone - this John is probably too young.
     One or more John Riches rented land from Capt Bosville at Martinmas 1722, John at Gunthwaite £1/7/6, at Cawthorne £7/5/3, at Reynold-Stones at Oxspring & Roughbirchworth. [Dransfield, p.335-8].. John Rich was born circa 1656? In Penistone, Yorkshire. He was the son of John Rich and Isabella Morton.
     In John Rich's will dated 7 July 1682 in Penistone, John Rich was named as executor of the estate.
     John Rich was mentioned in the will of Silvanus Rich dated 22 November 1683.      
John Rich paid land tax between 1692 and 1693 in Thurlstone, Penistone, Yorkshire, England. Jo. Rich paid 15/- land tax for Milnhouse in Thurlestone in 1692, in 1693 he paid £7/3/6 for that property. In 1692 John Rich and Ralph Marsden paid 10/- land tax at Thurlestone, 1693 this pair are not listed as such.
They was a petitioner in Penistone, YKS, on 24 August 1699.
     John died before 5 February 1701 in Penistone, YKS.
     His will was proved on 5 February 1700/1 at the Exchequer Court of York. The will of John Rich of Thurlestone in Penistone was proved 5 Feb 1700 by his sole executor Ralph Marsden ejus nepoti [grandson, rarely nephew].

John Rich

(circa 1720? - )
     John Rich was born circa 1720? In Yorkshire. He was the son of patriarch Jonas? Rich (of Ecclesfield). John was present at Theophilus Rich's christening on 7 April 1740 in Ecclesfield, Yorkshire.

Children of John Rich

John Rich

(12 June 1748 - before 9 July 1818)
     John Rich was born before 12 June 1748 in Mortomley, Ecclesfield, Yorkshire. He was christened on 12 June 1748 in Ecclesfield. Although the registergives his father as Jonas, he fits into the children of Jno of Mortomley. He was the son of Jonas Rich.
John Rich married Mary Stephenson on 23 February 1773 in Ecclesfield, Yorkshire. They were both single and of the parish, Mary made her mark.
     John died before 9 July 1818 in Potter Hill, Ecclesfield, Yorkshire. He was buried on 9 July 1818 in St Mary, Ecclesfield.

Children of John Rich and Mary Stephenson

John Rich

(26 January 1636/37 - circa 27 July 1682)
     John Rich was christened on 26 January 1636/37 in Penistone, Yorkshire. He was the son of Edward Rich.
     In Amor Rich's will dated 18 July 1652 in 'Smallshaw', Thurlstone, Penistone, Yorkshire, John Rich was named as heir.
John Rich married Isabella Morton on 10 April 1654 in Penistone, Yorkshire. Johannes Rich et Isabella Morton.
     John Rich and John Rich were mentioned in the 1672 hearth tax list in Thurlstone, Penistone, with 1 hearth. There was only one John Rich in the South Yorkshire hearth tax, at Thurlestone. It could be either John of Millhouse of John of Parkin House.
Information of John Rich of Milnhouse, Thurston, against John Wadsworth of Cumberworth, who had assaulted him.
Traverse of the case against Edward Bilicliffe, constable of Cumberworth and John Rich of Thurlstn; the men were indicgted for falsely keepng John Wordswroth prisoner. John was a yeoman in 1682 in Millhouse, Thurlstone, Penistone, Yorkshire..
     John Rich made a will dated 7 July 1682 in Penistone. Will of John Rich, yeoman, of Millhouse, Penistone dated 7 July 1682 mentions his now wife Isabel, his son John Rich and Mary & Martha his younger daughters, Zena, wife of Thomas Littlewood of Cumberworth, his eldest daughter and their children.
     In the name of God Amen July ... 34 Chas II 1682 I John Rich of Millhouse in the parish of Penistone, yeoman being sick and weak of body but of sound mind and perfect memory ... my body ... to be buried at the discretion of my executor ... I do hereby give and bequeath unto ISSABELL NOW MY WIFE one third part of all my goods and chattels ... other two thirds of my said goods and chattels and all my money at interest shall be by me disposed to the benefit and for the ... of JOHN RICH my SONNE and MARY AND MARTHA my two younger daughters;
     Item after the said Issabel now my wife shall have the third part of my goods and cattels ... before ... divided forth for her use; all the other two parts of my said goods and chattels and personal estate; and also all and every ... of money whatsoever ... I give and bequeath the same unto the said JOHN RICH MY SONNE provided and under this condition that he the said John Rich my son his executors or administrators doe faithfully pay and discharge the severall ... Mary & Martha my two younger daughters either of them the sum of one hundred pounds to be paid unto them within the space of twelve months next after my decease
     Item I give and bequeath unto Scena the wife of Thomas Littlewood of Cumberworth my eldest daughter the sum of twenty shillings and unto the two children of the said Thomas Littlewood which he hath the said Scena his wife either of them ... I give and bequeath unto the said John Rich my son .. appoint the said John Rich my son sole executor.

     John died circa 27 July 1682 in Penistone. He was buried on 27 July 1682 in Penistone. Sepulti John Rich Mill house.
     His will was proved on 20 January 1683/84 at the Prerogative Court of York.

Children of John Rich and Isabella Morton

John Rich

(before 1700 - )
     John Rich was also known as John Rich (of Harworth) in records. He was born before 1700 in England.
John Rich married Elizabeth Key on 6 June 1717 in Harworth, Nottinghamshire, England.

John Rich

(circa 1745? - before August 1803?)
     John Rich was born circa 1745? In Yorkshire, England.
John Rich married Elizabeth Parkin on 30 November 1769 in Anston, Yorkshire, England. John Rich was widowed before 26 March 1786 on the death of his wife Elizabeth Parkin.
John Rich married secondly Ann Snowden on 4 October 1791 in Throapham, Yorkshire. John Rich of the parish of Anston, widower & Ann Snowdin of this parish, spinster, by banns 4 Oct 1791 at Throapham.
     John died before August 1803?.

Children of John Rich and Elizabeth Parkin

Children of John Rich and Ann Snowden

John Rich

(30 January 1805 - )
     John Rich was born on 30 January 1805 in Stepney, Middlesex. He was the son of Amor Rich and Mary Thompson. John Rich was christened on 24 February 1805 in St Dunstan in the East, Stepney, London. John, son of Amor & Mary Rich, born January 30, baptised 24 Feb 1805.
John Rich married Lydia Schweitzer? on 16 October 1831 in St George Botolph Lane, London. John Rich, bachelor, married Lydia Schweitzer on 16 Oct 1831 at St George Botolph Lane, London. Banns were called from 28 Sept to 12 Oct 1828 at St John Hackney between John Rich & Lydia Schwitzer, both were of this parish. Banns were read again between 18 Sep & 2 Oct in 1831 at St George as John Rich, bachelor & Lydia Schweitzer and a marriage took place there in the presence of Charles Barton Schweitzer & Jane? Rich. John Rich was widowed before 31 December 1837 on the death of his wife Lydia Schweitzer?.
John Rich married secondly Hannah Unknown after January 1838.
     John Rich was recorded on the 1841 census in Albion St, Rotherhithe, Surrey. John Rich 35, clerk, Anna Rich 40, Emma Rich 5. The parents were not born in the county. John was listed as the son of Amor Rich in the 1851 census in 10 George Yard, London, St Edmund the King & Martyr.
     Elizabeth Smith married thirdly John Rich on 15 February 1858 in St John's, Brixton, Surrey. John Rich, widower, aged 52, clerk, of Loughton Park, son of Amos Rich, labourer, to, Elizabeth Smith, 36, spinster, of Loughton Park, daughter of Charles Smith, gardener.

Child of John Rich and Lydia Schweitzer?

John Rich

(21 December 1682 - before 5 January 1683)
     John Rich was born on 21 December 1682 in Rotherham, Yorkshire. He was the son of Elkanah Rich and Margaret Shaw.
     John died before 5 January 1683 in Rotherham, Yorkshire. He was buried on 5 January 1682/83 in Rotherham.

John Rich

(6 May 1706 - before 28 August 1782)
     John Rich was christened on 6 May 1706 in Penistone, Yorkshire. Bp Johes f. Johis Rich, Th. M. P.h. [Thurlston Meare, Parkin House?].. He was the son of John Rich and Rebecca Shaw.
     John Rich and Ann Smith obtained a marriage licence on 5 June 1734 in Yorkshire. John Rich aged 23 of Tickhill & Anne Smith aged 21 of Tickhill to wed at Bradfield Chapel.
John Rich married Ann Smith on 3 June 1734 in Bradfield, Ecclesfield, Yorkshire. Married by licence.
     John resided at Tickhill, Yorkshire, 1734.
     John died before 28 August 1782 in Tickhill, Yorkshire. He was buried on 28 August 1782 in St Mary, Tickhill.

Children of John Rich and Ann Smith

John Rich

(9 May 1823 - )
     John Rich was christened on 9 May 1823 in Blyth, Nottinghamshire. He was the son of Joseph Rich and Frances Ryalls.
He may be the John Rich, ag. lab., aged 15 living at Hockerton in the 1841 census who was born in the county..
     John Rich appeared on the 1841 census in the household of Joseph Rich and Frances Ryalls in Chapel Yard, Blyth, Nottinghamshire.

John Rich

(22 January 1580/81 - before 1592)
     John Rich was christened on 22 January 1580/81 in Worksop, Nottinghamshire. He was the son of Brian Rich and Ann Raine.
     John died before 1592.

John Rich

(25 March 1592 - )
     John Rich was christened on 25 March 1592 in Worksop, Nottinghamshire. He was the son of Brian Rich and Ann Raine.
John Rich married Ann Unknown.
John Rich married secondly Dorothy Unknown before 1637.

Children of John Rich

Child of John Rich and Ann Unknown

Children of John Rich and Dorothy Unknown

John Rich

(27 March 1627 - )
     John Rich was christened on 27 March 1627 in Penistone, Yorkshire. Johanes filius Johannis Rich. He is presumably the unborn child mentioned in John Rich's will of Feb 1626/7. He was the son of John Rich and Ellen Wilson.
The 1672 Hearth Tax for South Yorkshire lists only one John Rich, at Thurlestone.

John Rich

(before 7 July 1733 - )
     John Rich was also known as John Rich (of Tuxford) in records. He was born before 7 July 1733 in Tuxford, Nottinghamshire. He was the son of William Rich and Sarah Unknown. John Rich was buried on 31 March 1802? In Tuxford, NTT.

John Rich

(2 May 1791 - )
     John Rich was christened on 2 May 1791 in Tuxford, Nottinghamshire. He was the son of William Rich and Mary Hopkin.
     John Rich was recorded on the 1851 census in 5 Great Earl St, London, St Giles, Middlesex. John Rich, aged 61, broker, born Nottinghamhire, wife Ann Rich, 36, born Middlesex, daughter Ann Rich, 7, born St Giles.
     John Rich was recorded on the 1861 census in Whitby, Yorkshire. John Rich, boarder, aged 70, widowed, retired music & dancer??, born Tuxford.

John Rich

(circa 1819 - )
     John Rich was born circa 1819. He may be the John Rich born 25 June and baptised 20 July 1800 at Hatfield, son of Samuel & Elizabeth..
John Rich married Sarah Whinfrey circa 17 September 1832 in Tickhill, Yorkshire.
     John Rich and Sarah Whinfrey were recorded on the 1851 census in Conisburgh, Yorkshire. John Rich, 32, buck? maker, born Warmsworth, Yks & wife Sarah, 41 born Bonsall, Derbyshire with a visitor George Heeson, born Lincoln city, joiner & carpenter, aged40.

John Rich

(before 21 January 1683/84 - )
     John Rich was also known as John Rich (of Worksop) in records. He was born before 21 January 1683/84 in Worksop, Nottinghamshire. He was the son of Walter Rich.

John Rich

(1 January 1631/32 - before 1637)
     John Rich was christened on 1 January 1631/32 in Penistone, Yorkshire. Baptised Johannes filius Edvardi Rich, 1 die January 1631.. He was the son of Edward Rich.
     John died before 1637. Another son John was baptised in 1637..